Our Story
We have been around for a long time. Finding, fixing, rebuilding, customizing treasures from old barns to piles of twisted metal.
While you may wonder the why and the how we got to where we are. Lets just say, the passion to not throw anything away and know that someone, somewhere will need that part has never left our hearts. We have been rescuing parts for many years. Bringing new life to a rusty, dirty, thingamajig that anyone else would give up on.
We have built one of a kind bikes and helped others do the same. But there came a time that we just wanted to help the parts. Corroded carbs, rusty frames, unwanted fenders….They all need a home. So hence Archaic Unobtainium was born from the ashes of broken dreams.
We still build bitchin bikes. We love to ride. You can find us at shows, either with a bike or a booth.
Looking forward to what the looking glass will show us.